Data Science for the Public Good Program
The Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG) Young Scholars program is a summer immersive program held at the Biocomplexity Institute’s Social and Decision Analytics division (SDAD). In its seventh year, the program engages students from across the country to work together on projects that address state, federal, and local government challenges around critical social issues relevant in the world today. DSPG young scholars conduct research at the intersection of statistics, computation, and the social sciences to determine how information generated within every community can be leveraged to improve quality of life and inform public policy. For more information on program highlights, how to apply, and our annual symposium, please visit the official Biocomplexity DSPG website.
2020 Page County Summer Project
Our project goal was to identify community capital in Page County, find ways to enhance that community capital and identify the level of vulnerability compared to other counties in Virginia. Our team is made up of talented individuals with a broad range of skills and experience.
DSPG Team Members
Josh Beverly, Fellow (Ph.D. Student at Virginia Tech, Agricultural and Applied Economics)
Talib Grant, Intern (Undergraduate Student at Virginia Tech, Data Analytics)
Laura Pranteddu, Intern (Master Student at University of Trento, Data Science) |
Afrina Tabassum, Intern (Ph.D. Student at Virginia Tech, Computer Science)
Virginia Tech Faculty Team Members
Susan Chen (Associate Professor, Food and Health Economics, DSPG Project Co-Lead)
Conaway Haskins (Extensions Specialist, Rural & Regional Development)
Matt Holt (Department Head, Professor, Agribusiness, Applied Econometrics, Principal Investigator)
Ford Ramsey (Assistant Professor, Agribusiness, DSPG Project Co-Lead)
Project Sponsors/Stakeholders

Molly Beardslee (SNAP-ED Agent - Page County, Family and Consumer Sciences Food, Nutrition & Health)
We would like to acknowledge everyone on the Page County Economic Development Community Action Team for their participation and cooperation in this research project.
Page County Economic Development Community Action Team: Page One, Department of Social Service, Strength in Peers, Arise, Career Support Systems, Page United Methodist Church, Northwestern, Delaware North, and Crossroads Counseling
Thank You!